• Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #12

    This is my final post on the course, and I’m sad it’s ending. That’s why it’s lengthy, as I don’t want to finish it unconsciously. The course has been a great source of enlightenment for me, both in real-life situations and online. I’ve learned many new and practical skills, which has made me enthusiastic about pursuing my minor in publishing. I’ve found something that I’m passionate about, and I want to continue with it.    The most valuable thing I’m taking away from this course is the motivation to start my small business, which I plan to launch in the summer. My buisiness will specialize in creating texture canvas art.…

  • .,  Mini Assignments,  PUB 101

    Mini Assignment #4

    First Remix Second Remix Remixing is a popular technique in the world of art that involves taking existing works and combining, manipulating, and reimagining them to create something new. In this mini-assignment, I remixed two photos to convey a powerful message about pursuing one’s true passion and finding oneself through art.    This diptych (artwork consisting of two pieces or panels) that I have created depicts the pressure of external forces to study and pursue coding in the present and the fulfillment of becoming a painter in the future.  The first remix shows the subject in a state of sadness and suppression, with binary codes covering her and the background.…

  • PUB 101


    Fighting for Information Freedom: The Struggle Against Censorship and Disinformation caused by the government of Iran In recent years, social media platforms have become ubiquitous in our daily lives and an increasingly popular source of news and information. However, spreading fake news through these platforms has raised significant concerns about the impact of disinformation and misinformation on public discourse. This essay examines the role of censorship and social media manipulation by the Iranian government as the primary cause of spreading disinformation and misinformation on social media platforms in Iran. Using Iran as a case study, it explores the impact of these tactics on political events and on the general public.…

  • Peer Reviews,  PUB 101

    Peer Review #2

    For this peer review, I was assigned to review Cassidy’s personal blog, COMPLETELY CASS. Competely Cass Home Page Upon landing on Cassidy’s blog, the first impression I got was a mysterious vibe that intrigued me to explore more, which I found very interesting. The home page features a quote from Emily Dickinson, “That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet,” which probably reflects Cassidy’s perspective on life. Furthermore, I appreciated including a YouTube video, The Most Dangerous Game – Alan Watts on Life’s Illusions, which provides a deeper understanding of morality, life’s meaning, and the human experience. This video was thought-provoking and resonated with me, making me ponder the meaning of life for my…

  • Mini Assignments

    Mini Assignment #3

    http://rojansroadtoroj.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/export_1676279811292.mov Taking on a challenge can be hard, but I stepped up to the plate and created my very first TikTok video! In spite of the intimidating start without any text or explanations, I ended up creating a lasting memory of our Galentine’s Eve! Watch it on TikTok!

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #5

    Editing plays a crucial role in the publishing process, shaping the final product that reaches the reader.  This week, I gained a deeper appreciation for the art of editing during a lecture, realizing how each of us, consciously or unconsciously, is involved in the process of curating our online content. The lecture opened my eyes to the multitude of creative opportunities that come with the role of editor and curator.  From evaluating content that aligns with a publisher’s goals and standards, to checking grammar and spelling, and adding alt text for accessibility, editors are instrumental in creating polished pieces that resonate with readers on both conscious and unconscious levels.  I…

  • Peer Reviews,  PUB 101

    Peer Review #1

    “Ashley Chia’s Two A.M. Thoughts: My Personal Review” Hi everyone! This week I had the chance to read Ashley Chia’s blog, Two Am Thoughts.  In this post, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and personal review on Ashley’s blog. Thanks for reading! Two A.M. Thoughts/Home Page   Introducing Ashley and her blog, “Two A.M. Thoughts” The About page of the website “Two A.M. Thoughts” is a great introduction to its author, Ashley. The page details that Ashley is a third-year Communication student at Simon Fraser University and that their best ideas often come to them at 2 A.M., though they know not all may be the best. The page goes on to say that Ashley loves…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #4

    This week I read about the concept of a personal public and counter public, and it really got me thinking about my own audience. Who have I been imagining as I write my blog? How has that imaginary audience informed my blog decisions? It’s been interesting to reflect on how my perception of my audience has changed since I started writing this blog. At first, I imagined an audience of people who were seeking personal growth and self-affirmation, just like me. But as I’ve continued writing, I’ve realized that there is a much broader range of people who might be interested in what I have to say. So, going forward,…

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