Roj Contents

Transformation #5 First-Time Solo Travel

I’m excited to share with you my first experience of solo travel. I hope that by sharing my stories, I can inspire you to take your own solo journey. Travelling alone can be a truly transformational experience – it’s an excellent way to learn more about yourself and the world around you. So, if you’re feeling even the slightest bit curious about solo travel, I encourage you to join my journey and read this post! 

What made me finally decide to go for it and book that ticket

My first solo adventure was on Qeshm Island in Iran when I was 20 years old! Looking at pictures of this magical place online sparked a deep-rooted yearning within me after being cooped up for so long because of the pandemic. 


Though I asked around, none of my friends were able to join me as no one else seemed willing or able to break out of their comfort zones. The tour was limited in number, so determined to not miss it (life is too short to live in what-ifs), I mustered all the courage I had, and off I went on an incredible journey by myself – something daring enough that I would never forget!!


After a day of debating, I finally took a leap and made the call to book my dream vacation. It was one of those moments that truly tested me — not only because it required making a big financial decision all on my own, but also pushing myself way beyond what felt like ‘the norm’. Little did I know at the time, this would be a life-changing experience! 


After a day of debating, I finally took a leap and made the call to book my dream vacation. It was one of those moments that truly tested me — not only because it required making a big financial decision all on my own, but also pushing myself way beyond what felt like ‘the norm’. Little did I know at the time, this would be a life-changing experience! 

The most exciting part about traveling solo!

When I decided to set off on my own, I was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. After all, this experience promised to take me out of my comfort zone-something that traveling in the company of friends or family would never have allowed! 


Solo travel certainly has its benefits, from coping with the nitty-gritty of navigating an unknown city all on your own to making lasting connections with people around the globe.


And it wasn’t just these experiences that gave me such immense joy; there were also several other important life skills that came into play during this journey: Self-reliance, decision-making process, and problem-solving became second nature while managing time gained paramount importance over anything else! 


What’s more? Even after returning home after experiencing this adventurous endeavor firsthand, they continue to be relevant parts of everyday living even now. All in all, it’s safe to say that taking up solo travel could be one worthwhile opportunity you don’t want to miss out on any day soon!

How I met people while on my trip

Joining the Boom Eco tour to Qeshm Island was a dream come true! It had always been a dream of mine to explore Iran, my hometown, but I wasn’t sure how such a journey would turn out. I had no idea about the incredible and unforgettable experiences that lay ahead for me – meeting new people along the way, visiting breathtaking places, and immersing myself in local culture…it turned out better than I could have ever imagined!


It was a beautiful, bustling scene where people from all walks of life were united by their mutual love for my hometown. Young adventurers and wise elders in an equal measure made me feel right at home around there, along with the warmth and hospitality of our locals and their Southern culture! 

What I learned about myself from this experience

On my solo journey, I discovered so much about myself. Taking the path less traveled has been extremely rewarding, even when it means doing it alone! 


As a result of this experience, I’ve grown to appreciate traveling by myself and savoring all that life throws at me in each moment. I think through challenging moments and triumphs alike, exploration encourages personal growth; teaching you more than what any book or adventure could ever dream of showing you along the way!

Would I do it again?


Taking on a difficult challenge was scary, but totally worth it! I’m glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone despite my fears and worries. Taking risks and facing our fears head-on helps us grow as individuals.


 Without taking risks and facing our fears, how can we ever achieve our goals? So, if there’s an opportunity in front of you right now – grab it with both hands because no matter what comes your way afterwards (and let’s be honest: life has its ups and downs! ), embracing this opportunity may just come a long way that will make all those tough times worthwhile.  


I know taking your first solo trip can be daunting, but I can honestly say it was one of my best decisions yet! As a result of traveling alone, I met new people, discovered breathtaking places, and grew in self-awareness. I urge anyone considering solo exploration to take the plunge – it turned out to be such a worthwhile experience!



 Have you ever gone on a solo trip? Share your stories with me – let’s make this little corner of cyberspace full of wanderlust inspiration from around the globe!

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