Process Posts,  PUB 101

Process Post #5

Editing plays a crucial role in the publishing process, shaping the final product that reaches the reader. 

This week, I gained a deeper appreciation for the art of editing during a lecture, realizing how each of us, consciously or unconsciously, is involved in the process of curating our online content. The lecture opened my eyes to the multitude of creative opportunities that come with the role of editor and curator. 

From evaluating content that aligns with a publisher’s goals and standards, to checking grammar and spelling, and adding alt text for accessibility, editors are instrumental in creating polished pieces that resonate with readers on both conscious and unconscious levels. 

I learned that effective editing is a balancing act between genre conventions, creative liberties, and delivering an impactful product. The importance of fact-checking cannot be overstated in ensuring the quality and accuracy of the content. Editing is often undervalued, but it is what sets apart a successful publication from one that falls short.

Levels of editing

Editing is an important part of the content creation process, with each stage playing a crucial role in producing polished work. 

From Acquisitions-content editing where we make sure that your story fits within our guidelines to Proofreading so no mistakes sneak through – it’s all essential! Structural or Substantive editing helps guide and refine the overall structure while Stylistic editors bring out its full potential by making sure everything flows nicely and Copyediting ensures that spelling, grammar, punctuation are on point. Thus, it still isn’t just about grammar and spelling!

 To make sure readers have the best experience, editors must also mark code like alt text to help visually impaired users access images; plus, they need to fact-check every piece for accuracy—all part of a day’s work at publishers around the world.

With all these steps taken care of you have nothing left but to sit back and enjoy reading your own masterpiece result!

Form and Genre

As a self-appointed editor of my personal content, understanding the form and genre of what I publish is crucial for my success. Whether it be a tweet, a blog post, or an Instagram post, each form has its own style, audience, and purpose. To effectively edit my content, I need to have a clear understanding of the form I am working with and make changes accordingly. As an editor, my job is all about understanding genre. No matter if I’m working with fiction or non-fiction, there are subgenres that each attract different readers – so it’s important for me to be aware of the form and tone when making changes. Whether I’m editing a lecture, news story or fanfic piece – doing this research first helps make sure whatever content goes out is meaningful and relevant to its audience!

Examples of New and Emerging Genres

New and emerging genres are constantly being created and defined. Some examples include “Last of Us,” a mash-up of different genres, or for example “Device 6,” “Bandersnatch” (Black Mirror), and “Limetown.” Also, a blog is considered as a supergenre, encompassing a wide range of subjects and styles.

Accessibility and plain text 

As editors, it’s essential to understand the importance of creating content that is easily accessible and readable by a diverse audience. By utilizing tools such as plain language, color accessibility plugins, and search engines, we can ensure that our work is not only engaging and error-free, but also widely accessible to all.

As editors, we have an amazing opportunity to bring content alive for readers of all backgrounds and abilities. Through mastering the conventions of our chosen genre and paying attention to detail during editing, not only can we provide high-quality captivating material – but also optimize it with tools like accessibility plugins or color plugins so everyone has a chance appreciate the work! Let’s reach even further by taking advantage of resources available at our fingertips; together let’s push boundaries on what great editing looks like.

9 Best Accessibility Plugins for WordPress 2022

My reflection on this week’s reading.

Learning a new language isn’t easy, but when it comes to navigating the intricacies of grammar and adapting to unfamiliar cultural norms, non-native students have all they need within themselves. For one student who set out on their journey towards mastering both English and media/online publishing languages, what followed was an enriching experience filled with learning opportunities which fostered professional growth as well as personal development along the way. 

Exploring Digital Gardens by Tanya Base has been a journey of personal discovery for me. I took on the challenge with lots of effort and dedication, only to find myself making mistakes at times which resulted in moments of discouragement. But through this experience, I have learned invaluable lessons about growth and development – so much that now it’s time to take these learnings further by unearthing new ways to make content more interesting! 

I believe that inspiration for online publishing can come from unexpected places, but this week I found my answer in Tanya Basu’s article . As an aspiring writer looking to develop a stronger sense of community through content creation, the concept of these ‘gardens’ couldn’t have jumped out at me more prominently! By using digital gardens as part of my approach, not only will I be able to provide valuable information and resources for readers – it also opens entirely new possibilities when it comes to providing engaging experiences that inspire both network strengthening and personal growth.



All in all, this week I discovered that editing is for sure a valuable skill that can open the door to amazing opportunities. From aiding us in curating personal content and producing high-quality work for publishers, to making sure our readers have unlimited access with plain language tools like color accessibility plugins and search engines – this journey may be challenging but yields tremendous rewards! Digital gardens remind us of how creative solutions can present themselves when we least expect it, leading us down an interesting path where ideas blend effortlessly into something new. So, let’s keep exploring these avenues as editors; you never know what treasures await!

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