PUB 101

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #12

    This is my final post on the course, and I’m sad it’s ending. That’s why it’s lengthy, as I don’t want to finish it unconsciously. The course has been a great source of enlightenment for me, both in real-life situations and online. I’ve learned many new and practical skills, which has made me enthusiastic about pursuing my minor in publishing. I’ve found something that I’m passionate about, and I want to continue with it.    The most valuable thing I’m taking away from this course is the motivation to start my small business, which I plan to launch in the summer. My buisiness will specialize in creating texture canvas art.…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #11

    This week, our focus has been on various types of media and trans media storytelling, a concept that has gained a lot of popularity recently. Social media has become an indispensable part of our lives, serving as more than just a means to connect with friends and family members. It has now become an impactful tool for businesses and individuals to showcase their brands and engage with their audience.  As a social media enthusiast, I found this idea to be particularly fascinating. In this blog post, I will share my thoughts on the subject, and also discuss how I use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok for different…

  • Peer Reviews,  PUB 101

    Peer Review #3

    My final peer review is here! For the final one, I had the pleasure of exploring Jolene’s enchanting website:Mama Jo’s Family! Mama Jo’s Website HomePage  Introduction and first impression   Upon landing on her site, the first thing that caught my attention was the introductory paragraph, which provided a welcoming and family-oriented vibe. Jolene’s website is informative and engaging, with her about page particularly noteworthy. I was drawn to her mention of her First Nation heritage and culture, which reminded me of Suler’s article’s Personal and Cultural Values section on “the online disinhibition effect”. This section emphasizes the impact of our personal and cultural values on our online interactions and how we perceive…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #10

    Image courtesy of mjessier on Unsplash   This week’s lecture discussed how online publications must compete to attract and retain readers. To maximize website performance, data-driven decisions are essential. I find Google Analytics a valuable tool in building my online publication.    It provides data on website visitors, including their location, behaviour, and device preferences. Analyzing this data can provide insights into the most engaging pages or posts. For example, my contents about yoga, meditation, and my weight loss journey are the most popular. Therefore, I plan to publish more content about physical health based on the insights I’ve received from my audience. I can identify content that resonates most with my audience…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #9

    Photo Credit: Unsplash Hello everyone! This week I’ve been busy trying to improve my website by analyzing its performance and figuring out new ideas that could help make it even better.  In this lecture, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk given by Trevor Battye from Clevers Media, who shared his insights on monetization and ways to make money from your audience. He stressed that it’s important to identify the needs of your audience and to be unique in your niche when starting a business. One key takeaway for me was that your first business might not be the most profitable one, but it’s a valuable learning experience that can…

  • .,  Mini Assignments,  PUB 101

    Mini Assignment #4

    First Remix Second Remix Remixing is a popular technique in the world of art that involves taking existing works and combining, manipulating, and reimagining them to create something new. In this mini-assignment, I remixed two photos to convey a powerful message about pursuing one’s true passion and finding oneself through art.    This diptych (artwork consisting of two pieces or panels) that I have created depicts the pressure of external forces to study and pursue coding in the present and the fulfillment of becoming a painter in the future.  The first remix shows the subject in a state of sadness and suppression, with binary codes covering her and the background.…

  • PUB 101


    Fighting for Information Freedom: The Struggle Against Censorship and Disinformation caused by the government of Iran In recent years, social media platforms have become ubiquitous in our daily lives and an increasingly popular source of news and information. However, spreading fake news through these platforms has raised significant concerns about the impact of disinformation and misinformation on public discourse. This essay examines the role of censorship and social media manipulation by the Iranian government as the primary cause of spreading disinformation and misinformation on social media platforms in Iran. Using Iran as a case study, it explores the impact of these tactics on political events and on the general public.…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #8

    This week, I had an exciting experience in my class as we covered two weeks’ worth of material due to the cancellation of last week’s lecture. We discussed digital literacy, critical thinking, and copyright, which I found particularly fascinating. In this process post, I want to focus on the topic of copyright and share my thoughts and experiences with it. This week, we learned about fair use and fair dealing in social media, where as discussed by Member in Fair Use and Fair Dealing in Social Media, copyrighted material may be considered acceptable use or fair dealing if specific criteria are met. Sember also argues that these criteria include the purpose and…

  • Peer Reviews,  PUB 101

    Peer Review #2

    For this peer review, I was assigned to review Cassidy’s personal blog, COMPLETELY CASS. Competely Cass Home Page Upon landing on Cassidy’s blog, the first impression I got was a mysterious vibe that intrigued me to explore more, which I found very interesting. The home page features a quote from Emily Dickinson, “That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet,” which probably reflects Cassidy’s perspective on life. Furthermore, I appreciated including a YouTube video, The Most Dangerous Game – Alan Watts on Life’s Illusions, which provides a deeper understanding of morality, life’s meaning, and the human experience. This video was thought-provoking and resonated with me, making me ponder the meaning of life for my…

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