Process Posts

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #12

    This is my final post on the course, and I’m sad it’s ending. That’s why it’s lengthy, as I don’t want to finish it unconsciously. The course has been a great source of enlightenment for me, both in real-life situations and online. I’ve learned many new and practical skills, which has made me enthusiastic about pursuing my minor in publishing. I’ve found something that I’m passionate about, and I want to continue with it.    The most valuable thing I’m taking away from this course is the motivation to start my small business, which I plan to launch in the summer. My buisiness will specialize in creating texture canvas art.…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #11

    This week, our focus has been on various types of media and trans media storytelling, a concept that has gained a lot of popularity recently. Social media has become an indispensable part of our lives, serving as more than just a means to connect with friends and family members. It has now become an impactful tool for businesses and individuals to showcase their brands and engage with their audience.  As a social media enthusiast, I found this idea to be particularly fascinating. In this blog post, I will share my thoughts on the subject, and also discuss how I use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok for different…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #10

    Image courtesy of mjessier on Unsplash   This week’s lecture discussed how online publications must compete to attract and retain readers. To maximize website performance, data-driven decisions are essential. I find Google Analytics a valuable tool in building my online publication.    It provides data on website visitors, including their location, behaviour, and device preferences. Analyzing this data can provide insights into the most engaging pages or posts. For example, my contents about yoga, meditation, and my weight loss journey are the most popular. Therefore, I plan to publish more content about physical health based on the insights I’ve received from my audience. I can identify content that resonates most with my audience…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #9

    Photo Credit: Unsplash Hello everyone! This week I’ve been busy trying to improve my website by analyzing its performance and figuring out new ideas that could help make it even better.  In this lecture, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk given by Trevor Battye from Clevers Media, who shared his insights on monetization and ways to make money from your audience. He stressed that it’s important to identify the needs of your audience and to be unique in your niche when starting a business. One key takeaway for me was that your first business might not be the most profitable one, but it’s a valuable learning experience that can…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #8

    This week, I had an exciting experience in my class as we covered two weeks’ worth of material due to the cancellation of last week’s lecture. We discussed digital literacy, critical thinking, and copyright, which I found particularly fascinating. In this process post, I want to focus on the topic of copyright and share my thoughts and experiences with it. This week, we learned about fair use and fair dealing in social media, where as discussed by Member in Fair Use and Fair Dealing in Social Media, copyrighted material may be considered acceptable use or fair dealing if specific criteria are met. Sember also argues that these criteria include the purpose and…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #7

    Oh my goodness!! Who could believe it? The lecture was cancelled due to snow! I mean, I love this class and all…it’s obvious by all the single efforts I put on my contents and my progress…but I honestly did a little happy dance when I found out this announcement on our Discord group…LOL! Especially since my flight got delayed for four hours at Monday late night because of the same snowstorm; talk about a stroke of luck! But I’m not just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. I’ve decided to tackle these readings head-on, and I am glad I did! At first, I was like, “Oh no, so many readings!” But then I started reading, and to be honest some…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #5

    Editing plays a crucial role in the publishing process, shaping the final product that reaches the reader.  This week, I gained a deeper appreciation for the art of editing during a lecture, realizing how each of us, consciously or unconsciously, is involved in the process of curating our online content. The lecture opened my eyes to the multitude of creative opportunities that come with the role of editor and curator.  From evaluating content that aligns with a publisher’s goals and standards, to checking grammar and spelling, and adding alt text for accessibility, editors are instrumental in creating polished pieces that resonate with readers on both conscious and unconscious levels.  I…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #4

    This week I read about the concept of a personal public and counter public, and it really got me thinking about my own audience. Who have I been imagining as I write my blog? How has that imaginary audience informed my blog decisions? It’s been interesting to reflect on how my perception of my audience has changed since I started writing this blog. At first, I imagined an audience of people who were seeking personal growth and self-affirmation, just like me. But as I’ve continued writing, I’ve realized that there is a much broader range of people who might be interested in what I have to say. So, going forward,…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #3

    Hi all! This is my third process post, and I’m really starting to get the hang of this online thing! This week, I read this week readings and reflected on them. I also worked on my website online and things are definitely starting to come together! My website outline – what i need to do, how it will function The last week during my website outline journey has been an amazing yet challenging one. during this process, I’ve drafted a site map (you can see it below) that features such as  PUB 101, WEEKLY CONTENTS, as the categories on my navigation bar, I have also put the  ABOUT ME and HOME page in navigation bar for more user-friendliness. Additionally,…

  • Process Posts,  PUB 101

    Process Post #2:

    You may have thought the hardest part of making a website is coming up with the content, but as it turns out, installation and setup can be pretty tricky too. This week, I installed WordPress and had some difficulties along the way. But despite the challenges, it was really rewarding to see my hard work pay off. In this post, I’ll share my decisions about my blog content, rationales, and what I’ve learned through this process. Stay tuned for more exciting updates to come! Thanks for following along. WordPress installation process This week I installed WordPress for the first time. Before this, I was familiar with working with Wix and…

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